Trust is essential in any business, but it’s particularly important in aquaculture operations and choosing the right equipment to grow your livelihood! Before any equipment purchase, you should be asking these questions:
- Is the manufacturer supportive and do they back their products with valuable advice?
- Is their quality as good as they say it is?
- Are the materials used strong enough to cope with mother nature?
- Where do the materials come from?
With OysterGro®, trust and transparency are key. We want you to be confident and know that our systems have only been built with the best quality materials available on the market. We are proud of the long term relationships we have built with key, high quality suppliers, who are widely known for their longevity in our industry.
OysterGro®’s open approach and partnership mentality have led to the success of the pioneering oyster farmers who took a chance on us back in 2003 and are still working with us today, growing their farms to thousands, and in some cases, tens of thousands of cages! These loyal customers are joined by hundreds of other successful farmers who are growing their businesses using the hundreds of thousands of OysterGro® systems in the marketplace that are collectively producing hundreds of millions of market-ready oysters each year!